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America's New Bike Path, the Great American Rail-Trail is Over Half-Way Complete!

It's going to be leg day everyday on this new bike trail spanning 6000km across the USA.

Imagine being able to see the entire country by bike while also pedalling through historic routes, taking in epic scenery and crossing old railway tracks! This will soon be possible as America's New Bike Path, the Great American Rail-Trail is over half-way complete.

Whether you're a bikepacker, cyclist or just feel like setting yourself a huge challenge, this will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore the States.

The Great American Rail-Trail:

The Great American Rail-Trail will connect 12 states across the USA from coast to coast covering 6000km (3,700 miles). Built from abandoned railway lines and 125 exisiting bike trails, the massive bike trail is still a work-in-progress and has a few years to go to fully connect up the dots.

Starting in Washington DC, and ending in Washington State, the bike trail will join up to several gateway trails such as the Heenpin Canal Parkway, the Casper Red Trail and Capital Crescent Trail.

Check out the Proposed Great American Rail-Trail Bike Path Here:

Will this be on your bucket list?

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