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Why You Shouldn't Carry Your iPhone In Your Pocket When Riding

We recently got wind of this story about what can happen when you leave your iPhone in your pocket while out on your bike. This particular story came about because this Mountain Biker ended up with some pretty horrific third degree burns after falling off his bike.

Gareth Clear was cycling around last Sunday in Australia's Manly Dam with his phone in his pocket and noticed it started to heat up. After falling off his mountain bike, his phone started to smoke and then exploded melting through his shorts and burning through 2 layers of skin on his right thigh!

Maybe if Gareth had used a Quad Lock Bike Mount and mounted his phone onto it, he could have prevented this injury and potentially saved his phone as well.

For example, listen to this story from one of our customers, Gerald who recently took a downhill trail too fast and flipped his bike and ended up crashing his Mountain Bike.

"A few days ago I hit the trails with some friends. With my phone mounted to the stem on the the Quad Lock, near the end of our day, I took a bad line too fast.

On a technical down hill section, my front wheel went off trail and slipped between the edge of the trail and a 18" diameter log used for detainment.

I endoed, flipping, according to another rider, at least 3 times. I came detached from the bike and the bike flipped several times hitting trees and other trail side roughage.

The bike landed about 20 feet off the trail down a hill. I flipped several times landing about 70 feet down the same hill. All things considered my injuries are minor.

I will recover and ride again.

The point to this message is that I completely expected to have to search for my phone. Not at all the case. The Quad Lock mount held my phone securely. Sitting right where I left it. On the stem. We were all amazed.

My investment in a Quad Lock saved me from having to purchase a new phone. Thank you for making such a great product. I'll be recommending it to all my riding buddies."

It just goes to show, its safer to have your iPhone on your handlebars than in your pocket!

Pictures and Article referenced from: https://mpora.com/mountainbiking/mountain-biker-just-got-third-degree-burns-iphone-exploding-ride

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