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One on one with Bernard Kerr

Even if you are only somewhat familiar with Mountain Biking, it's likely that you've heard of Bernard Kerr. Known for his incredibly stylish riding, Bernard has been making a name for himself in the Mountain Bike scene over the last few years.

He was crowned King of Crankworx in 2015, came 5th in the World Championships in 2016 and was the Redbull Hardline Winner that same year. But a nasty stack in 2017 at Crankworx Les Gets saw him out for a good part of the season.

Bernard's recently been enjoying the Quad Lock Bike Mounts, so we thought, before his schedule gets too hectic, let's grab him for a quick chat and find out a little more about what makes him tick. Because, clearly, you've got to be a little nuts to do some of the things he does!

Evening, Bernard. How's life at the moment?

Life is good, I'm coming back from a foot injuring and riding and racing in Europe loads... what more could you want?!

For those that don't know you, can you give us a quick a profile? Who is Bernard Kerr?

He's a kid that just wants to have more fun than anyone else... Haha. Whether it's riding my bike 99% of the time or travelling and just being outdoors and in the woods. I just want to be having fun... I guess who doesn't?!

Obviously riding down trails at a fast pace can be pretty dangerous. How many broken bones have you had?

Too many lately, some ribs and a shoulder last year and 4 bones in my foot currently!

How many broken phones have you had?

I'm usually pretty good, only 1 really bad one and since then I left my phone behind. But not now with my Quad Lock! It comes with me on most rides.

You ride some pretty tough trails. What’s your favourite run?

There is one in Queenstown NZ called Rude Rock, its 3km of pure flow, you don't need to pedal once and its fun for any ability, the view is insane and there is just something special about it!

Does anything scare you anymore?

Yeah for sure, losing my phone haha or maybe not riding for a long time... it's been like that lately and it sucks so I'm scared of not riding!

How did you start getting into mountain biking? Was there a transition phase from just riding around the streets?

In my family you got to choose one sport. Originally I did Ice Hockey but then yeah, just riding around the streets everyday was pretty sweet and then my cousin started to race and I wanted to give it a try too!

You ride comps (well, when you aren't injured). Do you have any pre-run routine or superstitions for these?

No, I don't think so compared to some people. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I don't. I have a pretty set warm up before I start but that also changes a little from time to time. Just get in a stoked mood every time!

Other than Quad Lock (of course), what's the best accessory for your bike?

I'd say I would have to be my bike's best accessory (after my Quad Lock of course)... Otherwise it wouldn't be much fun would it?!

What is it you love most about riding?

I love being outside and coasting. You know, when you've done the work with the pedals and you can just float through the outdoors. It's honestly the best. This magnifies when you're jumping obviously... Now you're coasting and floating through the air!

If you couldn’t ride for a living what would you be doing?

Working really hard at a normal job to pay for bike riding on the weekends. Most likely either in a digger/excavator or some angry stock broker guy shouting at people so I could buy better bikes?

We saw you rocking our Quad Lock Car Mount on your dune buggy. What tunes were you pumping?

Hahaha yeah its so good in the buggy! I was listening to Hot Chocolate "Everyones a winner" !

What does the rest of 2018 hold for you?

Riding loads more...my foot is almost back to full strength and I can't wait to be riding a racing again! Win some races, travel the world and create some awesome memories around some great people!

Thanks for your time mate and good luck with those injuries!

Thank you guys and hopefully I'll see some of you out on a ride soon!

If you want to see more of Bernard's antics head over to his Instagram: @bernard_kerr

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