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Top 5 Youtube Videos - Animals vs Cyclists

Cyclists can have some random encounters out on the trails and we're not talking about other cyclists!

As long as you stay alert you can avoid potholes, pedestrians, flat tyres, and poor road layouts but sometimes you can't prepare for the unexpected such as a wild ostrich chase or a Bear coming at you on the bike path.

We've compiled a list of our top 5 Animal Vs Cyclist encounters from Youtube and it will have you in fits of laughter. The good news is as far as we know, no one got hurt!

1. Ostrich chases Cyclist
2. Bear on the Bikepark
3. Kangaroo horde
4. Moose Encounter
5. Deer attacks Biker

What crazy animal encounters have you experienced on your bike? Any stories that you'd like to share? We'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

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