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Ultimate Working From Home Setups

If you're in need of a little inspiration for your home setup, we've collated some of the ultimate working from home setups.

These are certainly unusual times. Many around the world have been forced to make an abrupt adjustment to their work environment and setup makeshift home offices around the kitchen, lounge, bedroom, garage... basically anywhere that has enough space and suitable desk height.

We've even included some Zwift setups so the cyclists can keep those legs burning whilst self isolating.

Source: michsoledesign

How Many Monitors Do You Do?

If you've ever made the move to a double monitor (or triple), you'll find it hard to adjust back to life with simply one. First world problems hey! You can use your smartphone as an extra monitor while you work with the Quad Lock Desk Mount. Easily view and access go-to apps such as Zoom, Spotify, the Calculator and many more without taking up room on your main monitor.


Some studies claim that a messy desk may be the sign of a genius... but is it more productive? Sometimes less is more when it comes to your desk setup.

Unless you're an office worker from a 90's sitcom, a messy desk is not a good look these days and keeping to the essentials will hopefully keep you on track to focus on what's important. There's enough distractions online without adding piles of things you don't need to your desk space! Except for plants... there is always room for plants.

Room With A View

Sometimes you don't need much more than your laptop, phone and a good view. If you've got the latter, now is the time to make the most of it. Avoid being hold up in the corner staring at your computer screen and a blank wall. Unless you work in finance... then you'll probably enjoy that sort of thing. No offence to those reading that work in finance.

Second Desk

When you own a monitor, and more than one laptop, plus a keyboard, and your phone, headphones etc... you're going to struggle to fit it all in one workspace. Introducing the second desk. With a Monitor Stand or riser you can create a second level which opens up more space on your desk, plus you have another place to store all your extra bits and bobs under the monitor shelf so it keeps it out of the way!


Sitting at home all day can drive you a little nuts. So it's important to get up regularly, stretch and keep on exercising. That used to be a difficult task in a confined space but, with the help of Zwift, you can keep on cycling and even ride with (or against) your mates!

Check out some Zwift setups below and read our blog on everything you need to get setup on Zwift.

Let us know some of your working from home tips in the comments below.

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